Group Members

Group Leader

Elisa Bombarda: trying to direct things

Ph. D. Student

Oxana Kempf: Chemical Synthesis of Protease Substrate Analogs and Their Application in Mechanistic Studies

Master and Bachelor Students

Laura Schieweck: Spectroscopic Characterization of Substate Analogs

Carmen Wolfring: Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Phytochelatin Synthase

Interested Joining?

Master and Bachelor candidates can always contact me.

Our group has also from time to time openings for graduate students (who study for a doctorate) and postdoctoral researchers. Potentially interested persons are invited to contact me: Please include in your letter:

  • your curriculum vitae
  • the marks you have received during your studies
  • two (or more) people that are able to write recommondation letters on your behalf